Well here we are, only 2 days left of working for ‘the man’. I’ve been on a countdown since June 2021 when the decision to finally retire was made and the interesting thing is how many people have asked me what I’ll do with my time? I see this as another step on life’s path, often a rocky one, sometimes downright difficult, occasionally wondering if things can possibly get even worse but in hindsight and foresight I know I’ve been very fortunate to reach this point in life relatively unscathed. What will I do with my time? Well the goal is to focus on words, many words, stories, novels (she says hopefully) and more words. Gardening is also high on the agenda, growing food, supporting wildlife, transforming the drab into something pretty. The options to fill my time are endless from keeping up the food blog, recipe development and ideas to eliminate food waste.
I hope in a few months time I’ll look back and wonder how I had time to work for ‘the man’ but one thing is for certain there will be no craving to go back to the proverbial ‘rat-race’.
Onward to the future which I’m sure will be bright 😊
Non, je ne regrette rien
©Nita Lewsey 2022