I can’t believe it’s actually going to happen today. I’ve waited so long I’d almost forgotten it would happen at all. It’s set for 4pm. The clock on the wall ticks on. Mrs Anderson says she’ll walk with me, I’m not sure I really want her to. I’d rather it was Pa but he declined.… Continue reading Last Day
Author: Nita Lewsey
I'm a writer of short stories, flash fiction and am currently working on a novel. I've had stories published in anthologies and self-published a collection on stories on Amazon. I have long dreamt of writing full time & this dream is now a reality.
Double Bluff
‘But you promised’‘I know and I’m sorry.’‘Tonight was critical, we discussed it and you promised.’‘Sorry.’‘We’ll miss the chance. You’re not being fair.’Ben puts his phone in his pocket and slips back into the pub.‘Bet she’s pissed off,’ Sandy says as he hands Ben his pint.‘That’s an understatement.’‘You should tell her how you feel? It’s not… Continue reading Double Bluff
Nora the Obscure
The thing about being old is the invisibility, grey hair, glasses, a bit dumpy, hearing aids and occasionally a stick hide the elderly in plain sight. Nora leaves her house every day and sets off regardless of the weather, the neighbours don’t notice and as her only living relative is a nephew who lives on… Continue reading Nora the Obscure
The Enlightenment of Elsie
‘We are an onion,’ Marnie said in her soft sing-song way.‘I feel a bit more like a pumpkin,’ Mrs Harris said but Elsie lay on the mat contemplating the tired light fittings and wondering why she’d agreed to join the weight loss meditation group.‘Have you ever thought about meditation Mrs Parkes? Maybe join a group?’… Continue reading The Enlightenment of Elsie
The Dalai Lama of Cats
When I first met my husband he lived alone with a semi-feral black bruiser of a cat named Cosmic. He’d rescued Cosmic as a kitten from under his shed. Cosmic owned everything he could see, which constituted the seven or eight back gardens of the houses along the road as well as a large open… Continue reading The Dalai Lama of Cats
‘I know it’s not what you asked for but I hope you like it.’ Mum’s words echo in my head, I’m 12 today and I desperately try and hide my disappointment. ‘Great, thanks Mum, a bike is ace.’ It’s not ace really but I know I’m lucky to get a present at all this year… Continue reading Freewheeling
The long black coat I grabbed from the hook by the door conceals my torn dress and in this half-light I hope it will help me merge with the trees, at least for a while. It’s only 5 o’clock but dusk falls fast as I trudge up the path through the woods I’ve known all… Continue reading NO GOING BACK
Her lips were red, a slash across the paleness of her face. The 8.15 was made bearable by her presence. She sat in the same corner seat, he figured she boarded the train way down the line because there was never a seat left by the time he got on. She never read a book,… Continue reading MESMERIC
Terry sat in his usual seat, tucked away in the corner of the saloon bar in ‘The Main and Tail’, nursing a pint of stout. The sound of the clock echoed in the large empty space, the fireplace bare of flame, the bar bare of customers. Lily was making herself busy tidying behind the bar,… Continue reading CHANGES
Well here we are halfway through week three of living the retirement dream so how is it going? Well week one was great, did some writing, did some gardening, did some reading and had a day out with OH but then out of the blue it all went pear shaped. It seems no amount of… Continue reading LIVING THE RETIREMENT DREAM